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Uber introduces AirPlus as new payment option


Corporate payments specialist AirPlus is integrating with Uber Wallet – the first UATP issuer to do so – which will enable travellers to pay for Uber rides via the accounts, and for companies will receive bundled billing and reporting on the rides.

Companies will also be able to pay for other Uber offerings through AirPlus accounts, including meal orders and other deliveries. The UATP network will settle the billing.

Oliver Wagner, CEO of AirPlus International, said: “By integrating with Uber Wallet, companies will now benefit from bundled billing and reporting for rides with Uber and other Uber solutions as well.

“From now on, corporate travellers can easily request their rides through the Uber app while the payment will be handled centrally and automatically via the AirPlus Company Account.”

The collaboration provides a “frictionless experience for both the business traveller and for travel managers or HR professionals on the back end,” added Uber for Business global head Susan Anderson.

“From booking all the way through to payment and reconciliation, we are enabling businesses to streamline the management of travel logistics quickly and efficiently across their entire organisation,” said Anderson.

The first customers to benefit from the AirPlus-Uber collaboration are in the Eurozone and US where the first customers are already being onboarded.

This will be extended to other markets, including the UK, and then globally “throughout the coming months”, according to UATP president and CEO Ralph Kaiser.

Uber is the first ride-hailing network to join the UATP network, according to the two companies.

To read the full article, click here.

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